Data Processing using Data Pipelines – Data Orchestration Techniques

Data Processing using Data Pipelines

There are two major types of data pipeline widely in use: batch and real-time data processing.

Batch processing is when data is collected over a period and processed all at once. This is typically done for large amounts of data that do not need to be processed in real-time. For example, a company might batch process their sales data once a month to generate reports.

Real-time processing is when data is processed as soon as it is received. This is typically done for data that needs to be acted on immediately, such as financial data or sensor data. For example, a company might use real-time processing to monitor their stock prices or to detect fraud.

The type of data processing that is used depends on the specific needs of the organization. For example, a company that needs to process large amounts of data might use batch processing, while a company that needs to process data in real-time might use real-time processing.

Figure 5-5.  A generic batch and stream-based data processing in a modern data warehouse

Batch Processing in Detail

Batch processing is a key component of the data processing workflow, involving a series of stages from data collection to data delivery (Figure 5-5). The process begins with data collection, where data is gathered from various sources. Once collected, the data undergoes a data cleaning phase to eliminate errors and inconsistencies, ensuring its reliability for further analysis. The next step is data transformation, where the data is formatted and structured in a way that is suitable for analysis, making it easier to extract meaningful insights.

After transformation, the data is stored in a centralized location, such as a database or data warehouse, facilitating easy access and retrieval. Subsequently, data analysis techniques are applied to extract valuable insights and patterns from the data,

supporting decision-making and informing business strategies. Finally, the processed data is delivered to the intended users or stakeholders, usually in the form of reports, dashboards, or visualizations.

One of the notable advantages of batch processing is its ability to handle large amounts of data efficiently. By processing data in batches rather than in real-time, it enables better resource management and scalability. Batch processing is particularly beneficial for data that doesn’t require immediate processing or is not time-sensitive, as it can be scheduled and executed at a convenient time.

However, there are also challenges associated with batch processing. Processing large volumes of data can be time-consuming, as the processing occurs in sets or batches. Additionally, dealing with unstructured or inconsistent data can pose difficulties during the transformation and analysis stages. Ensuring data consistency and quality becomes crucial in these scenarios.

In conclusion, batch processing plays a vital role in the data processing workflow, encompassing data collection, cleaning, transformation, storage, analysis, and delivery. Its benefits include the ability to process large amounts of data efficiently and handle non-time-sensitive data. Nonetheless, challenges such as processing time and handling unstructured or inconsistent data need to be addressed to ensure successful implementation.

Example of Batch Data Processing with Databricks

Consider a retail company that receives sales data from multiple stores daily. To analyze this data, the company employs a batch data processing pipeline. The pipeline is designed to ingest the sales data from each store at the end of the day. The data is collected as CSV files, which are uploaded to a centralized storage system. The batch data pipeline is scheduled to process the data every night.

The pipeline starts by extracting the CSV files from the storage system and transforming them into a unified format suitable for analysis. This may involve merging, cleaning, and aggregating the data to obtain metrics such as total sales, top-selling products, and customer demographics. Once the transformation is complete, the processed data is loaded into a data warehouse or analytics database.

Analytics tools, such as SQL queries or business intelligence (BI) platforms, can then be used to query the data warehouse and generate reports or dashboards. For example, the retail company can analyze sales trends, identify popular products, and gain insights into customer behavior. This batch data processing pipeline provides valuable business insights daily, enabling data-driven decision-making.

In this use case, we will explore a scenario where batch processing of data is performed using CSV and flat files. The data will be processed and analyzed using Databricks, a cloud-based analytics platform, and stored in Blob storage.


• CSV and flat files containing structured data • Databricks workspace and cluster provisioned • Blob storage account for data storage


Data Preparation:

•    Identify the CSV and flat files that contain the data to be processed.

•    Ensure that the files are stored in a location accessible to Databricks.

Databricks Setup:

•    Create a Databricks workspace and provision a cluster with appropriate configurations and resources.

•    Configure the cluster to have access to Blob storage.

Data Ingestion:

•    Using Databricks, establish a connection to the Blob storage account.

•    Write code in Databricks to read the CSV and flat files from Blob storage into Databricks’ distributed file system (DBFS) or as Spark dataframes.

Data Transformation:

•    Utilize the power of Spark and Databricks to perform necessary data transformations.

•    Apply operations such as filtering, aggregations, joins, and any other required transformations to cleanse or prepare the data for analysis.

Data Analysis and Processing:

•    Leverage Databricks’ powerful analytics capabilities to perform batch processing on the transformed data.

•  Use Spark SQL, DataFrame APIs, or Databricks notebooks to run queries, aggregations, or custom data processing operations.

Results Storage:

•    Define a storage location within Blob storage to store the processed data.

•    Write the transformed and processed data back to Blob storage in a suitable format, such as Parquet or CSV.

Data Validation and Quality Assurance:

•    Perform data quality checks and validation on the processed data to ensure its accuracy and integrity.

•    Compare the processed results with expected outcomes or predefined metrics to validate the batch processing pipeline.

Monitoring and Maintenance:

•    Implement monitoring and alerting mechanisms to track the health and performance of the batch processing pipeline.

•    Continuously monitor job statuses, data processing times, and resource utilization to ensure efficient execution.

Scheduled Execution:

•    Set up a scheduled job or workflow to trigger the batch processing pipeline at predefined intervals.

•    Define the frequency and timing based on the data refresh rate and business requirements.